Building An Online Profile (Strategic)
Using social media and other platforms, there are certain qualities that are desirable and I intend to depict to potential employers. These being a propensity for teamwork, and social skills. High quality of work. Travelling which I feel is an indication of success and implies hard work. Finally, client imagery. Which to me would basically be product and brand placement in images without being obnoxious, but also sell yourself by showing that you have worked on projects for large brand names and important clients.
Strategic profiling also means making use of all platforms and media available to promote myself and my work. Particularly LinkedIn and Instagram for which I have already set up profiles. I feel as though consistency amongst platforms is also important for building a recognisable brand. To reflect this I have chosen a style inspired by the original monopoly cards and menus as they clearly define a set of information, and are universally recognisable images. By keeping this format across all platforms my brand becomes distinguishable from other profiles.

Consistency is the most important tool for building a brand. The more you post the more engagement your profiles will receive. This should theoretically boost the amount of work on offer, and platforms like Instagram can provide added revenue if used to their potential.

I therefore aim to post twice a week to social media, and regularly engage on all platforms. Which according to analytics will boost traffic and engagement. Even recommending as many posts as three in one day. However due to lack of access to the studio and workshop this is currently unrealistic.