A Well Structured, Coherent and Strategic Career Plan

Fortunately I began university knowing what I want to pursue post graduation. My choice in projects and the work experience I have undertaken throughout university has been key in realising my love for architectural modelmaking. Also highlighting and incubating my ambitious nature and desire to achieve success. Both through a career and passion projects / side hustles. Particularly with friends.
My external brief demonstrated leadership and managerial qualities that I previously had not recognised within myself. Managing an architectural model shop has become my long term goal in life. I personally feel that to achieve this I must first gain a rounded knowledge of the industry. Working for different architectural practices both national and international to better understand what makes them successful and innovate within the industry. I will achieve this within 7 years by following a well structured, coherent and strategic plan of action. Paired with hard work.
Three Month Plan

Six Month Plan

Year One - Seven Plan

Side Goals
I aim to develop a business with friends back home. Custom guitar picks are something I have been interested in producing since December 2019 in addition to trading stock with which my friendship group has seen recent success developing and maintaining a profitable portfolio. This will provide transferrable skills in managing finances and running a business. Of which I can apply to my career and long term goal of running an architectural model shop. Added revenue streams will support travelling, enable me to purchase materials and invest in resources for the long term goal of financial freedom.
Why 7 years?
I intend to work in London, Copenhagen and Paris for one year each. Fulfilling my dream of travelling and developing modelmaking, managerial and social skills internationally. Seeing the different approaches to work life and making techniques will allow me to innovate and bring a new interesting approach to problem solving and making in a position of management. After this three year period I intend to continue developing my skills over a couple of years and potentially start a family. I therefore feel 7 years is an appropriate amount of time accounting developments in my personal life that directly effect my career.