Echo House Construction Massing + Problem Solving
Updated: Jun 14, 2021
So far construction on the Echo House has been fun and successful, with only minor issues needing to be problem solved during the making process.
Choosing to build the Echo House floor by floor rather than spraying each component and assembling everything at the end has proved both beneficial and frustrating. Lack of storage and desk space due to undertaking two projects leaves the model susceptible to minor scratches and dust collecting in areas which are hard to reach post assembly. This can be especially annoying on the windows as static continuously draws particles in, holding them in place.

To counter this, a cloth covering is placed over the model during times it's not being worked on. However, there have been a few instances where I have had to sand small areas where components slightly misalign due to personal error when drawing the CAD, or refraction on the acrylic while laser cutting causing slightly chamfered edges.

This called for the use of tacky cloth which helps control the issue. Yet no matter how well covered, dust always seems to find a way in. The benefit of building the model this way is that it allows me to better visualise progression. Making changes where necessary, fixing misalignment issues and overall boosts my moral as I see the research, planning and time put in begin to pay off.

It has been challenging balancing continued Covid related time constraints on studio space and laser cutter access whilst producing two models.
As a result, this has in some ways furthered my organisational skills. Having to meticulously plan the making of my project so that everything can be cut by myself during scheduled studio time, using off timetable hours to spray everything in preparation for assembly.
Although I'm in university even when not timetabled, the only direct access to a laser cutter I am able to get is during scheduled hours. Whilst the university does offer laser cutting services from technicians in the workshop, each laser is unique in the way they cut acrylic (depending on usage and model). This tends to lead to inconsistencies when engraving details such as the brickwork or windows.
Choosing to cut everything myself has also increased my familiarity and knowledge of the process in preparation for industry. To the point that I can solve most issues and even give advice to other students when asked.